Typrsetting Test

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Typrsetting Test

Postby OddCop_676 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:53 am

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nnlUk_ ... sp=sharing
Note: For the first three pages, I used KRITA to edit it. But, starting from the 4th page the software started to crash quite often, that's why I switched to GIMP.

Name: Humanity's threat
Availability: 2200-0000 according to my time zone. (UTC+7)
What Manga You're Interested In: Task Force For Paranormal Disaster Management
What manga brought you here?: Task Force For Paranormal Disaster Management
Which do you want to work on?: Shounen Y.
Software: GIMP
Experience: Nope. first timer
Other Groups: Not in one.

Thank you. :)

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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby Wraith » Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:23 pm

Hi, Humanity's Threat, thanks for the interest.

I took a look at your application and will comment on it below, but unfortunately, you need Photoshop to typeset for us. (Well, or Indesign, but hardly anyone uses that in scanlation.) No prejudice, it’s just that other programs rasterise text layers when saving in PSD format and they become uneditable, which impairs quality checking. We only accept other software for cleaning.

I'm sorry for not including that in the recruitment ad, I forgot and it had been a long time since we last recruited a typesetter. I'll update the ad for our next releases.

As for the TS itself: you have good text centering instincts, but you have a tendency to oversize text, especially on pages 5 and 6. (In the others the size is okay.) And because of the oversized text, shaping it in the bubbles becomes hard, too. If you'd like to improve on that, you may refer to Red Hawk's typesetting guide in this resources list: https://quicksandscans.wordpress.com/re ... tingguides

We can point you to a Photoshop cracked version if you're willing to transition to it.
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby OddCop_676 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:37 pm

Yes, I understand Wrait-san. I'm willing to transfer from GIMP to PS of course. I will redo all six pages of the test using PS and post a reply here in about 4 hours. Is that okay?
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby Wraith » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:58 pm

That would work, and take your time.
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby OddCop_676 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:00 pm

I have finished my test with PS, wraith-san. And I also tried to fix my letter's size too. I hope it will pass. Thank you for your time.
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fhgRgC ... sp=sharing
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby Wraith » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:25 pm

This one's worth of sending to the Head Typesetter for a careful assessment, so this time the reply won't be immediate due to time zone differences and real life engagements. I'll get back to you with his verdict as soon as I can.
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby OddCop_676 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:32 pm

Wraith wrote:This one's worth of sending to the Head Typesetter for a careful assessment, so this time the reply won't be immediate due to time zone differences and real life engagements. I'll get back to you with his verdict as soon as I can.
I'm honored.
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby Wraith » Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:20 pm

Alright, I have your reply.

Your centering is okay. Your font choice isn't entirely consistent, but when you get to typesetting an actual chapter, you'll have detailed font lists, so it's not a big deal. Sizing is also proper.

Your main problem is shaping:

For example, here the "not" should've gone in the second line: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png

Here the general shape of the text is problematic, especially the fact that the first line is the longest one: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png
(You might need to change font size to try to fit more words per line. The ideal - not always possible - text shape in a bubble is narrow at the ends, wider at the middle, or at least uniform throughout. Hyphenation can help, too, if nothing else does.)

Or this one: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png

These are the most egregious ones, but you ought to scour your pages and look for any bubbles or off-bubble text that look problematic along the same lines and correct them.

On these two, the chosen font size was a tad too big and caused the text to touch or get too close to the margins, which you ought to avoid, too: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png and https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png
(In the case of the first one, you might be able to solve it by changing the kerning to optical.)

The first one of these should not skip a line between the two "Tono!" (that or you set the leading too high), and both should be styled as appropriate for a spiky shouting bubble: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png

If you correct these issues and resubmit, we should be able to pass you, unless the new attempt has novel issues.
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby OddCop_676 » Tue Nov 09, 2021 1:08 am

Thank you for your feedback. I will resubmit soon
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Re: Typrsetting Test

Postby OddCop_676 » Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:12 am

I tried adjusting my sizing and shaping in all my mistakes you pointed out (04-06).

I think the shaping problem was caused by my lack of experience, When I read other manga I didn't realize before that they have proper shaping, which made it easy to read.

For my styled problem, I saw that the Japanese text's font; in the shouting one; is the same as the one in normal speech. that's why I thought that it would be fine to make them the same in English too, sorry about that.

The sizing problem, I just thought that if the bubble still has space, Why not just fill it? (lol) I will be careful not to do it from now on.

Link for 04-06 Ver3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S19HVr ... sp=sharing

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