cleaner test

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cleaner test

Postby kanedaa » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:31 am

Name: Kaneda is fine though its not my name
Availability: around twice a week
What Manga You're Interested In: I saw the post of the tests on Ichigeki
Software: Photoshop
Experience: I have not done scanlation before, this is my first time but i am very interested
Other Groups: None ... nl8rje849p

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Re: cleaner test

Postby Wraith » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:21 pm

Hi, Kaneda, thanks for applying!

I have taken a look at your test. Before we talk about that, I think there was a misunderstanding: I even looked at our recruitment ad that ran with Ichigeki, but I was not mistaken - we're not recruiting a cleaner for that series. The whole of the first volume is already cleaned, and it's so easy to clean we quickly found someone to do it.

The series for which we need cleaners right now are Funouhan (also called Impossibility Defence) and Sprite, but Sprite has a specialised test, you can't clean it by passing our normal cleaning test.

So the only series which you can clean with this test only is Funouhan. You can think about whether you are interested before deciding what to do next.

Now, let's discuss your test.

My general remark is that you have good instincts for levelling and dusting, though levelling needs some calibration still. However, you did one thing that makes it very hard to assess your test: you flattened the final image, thus discarding the original raw layers. That makes it hard to compare your final product to the original raw: I have to open both side by side and compare instead of just hiding the cleaned layer. It also makes the life of the typesetter, who needs to consult the raws layer to know where each piece of text goes, into a nightmare.

Now, let's go page by page:

- Page 01 is okay.

- Page 02 is also fine, but I don't understand why you resized it to a random height instead of leaving it at 1600 px.

- Page 03 also has a random final size, but that's not really a problem, as it seems you simply did not resize it after cropping. As for the rest of the cleaning, you seem to have Dusted it properly. As for levelling… it's perhaps just a little bit overlevelled in the blacks - we can see a modest loss of detail in black areas, like the shiny parts of characters' hair and the face of the man on panel 02, but overall it's well done.

- I was ready to say that page 04 was perfect judging by the preview, but when I opened the actual file, I saw you resized it up to a height of 1956 px. We normally don't size pages up, unless the raws are prohibitively small and there's no alternative. Raws that are between 1200 and 1600 normally stay as they are, bigger raws than that can be resized down (never up) to something between 1600 px and 2400 px depending on the quality and what the scanlators decide. In this case, sizing it up made the page blurry. However, the levelling was good and the Dusting was perfect, congratulations!

- Page 05… again, it should have been resized down. What you choose for height is less important than doing it - we give bonus points if the applicant has good instincts to decide on size. In this case, it was important to resize because the original raws were gigantic. Other than that, you forgot to change the image mode to grayscale, though you did discard the colour information somehow, so I won't fault you for that. You rotated it properly, and the levelling is fine. You forgot to empty a small bubble on panel 04, but that's not a problem. However, you didn't Dust the black areas at all, and that means the clean fails. Also, the cropping could have been better.

- Page 06 is a fail, but one so easy to correct you can do it in ten seconds. You rotated and cropped it properly, but you forgot to level it. The blacks are still dark grey (1d1d1d).

So I'd say… you fail. Your mistakes are generally easy to correct, but you need to Dust page 05 properly for the application to be successful, and Dusting is pretty much the core of good cleaning.

I'll let you decide whether you want to reapply. If you do, please bundle the pages into a compressed folder (ZIP, RAR, 7Z, whatever), otherwise I'll have to download the pages one by one.
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Re: cleaner test

Postby kanedaa » Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:55 pm

Thank you very much for the opportunity and report. I know now what I need to improve on and fix. This was my first time doing a clean so I wasn't all that sure about some things such as the pixels and image size, but I will revise these next time! I apologize about flattening them! I wasn't aware of that I will make sure the raws are still there.
Ill redo the test and apply again. Ill also put them in a file this time haha ;^^

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